
“How is one supposed to know when to trust someone versus when to stay guarded? How is one supposed to evaluate the risk of establishing a relationship? Will it be worth it? Will I get hurt? Geesh. Who the hell knows? I think I tend to be guarded; it takes awhile for me to get close to someone. In a way, I think it has saved me from a lot of heartache; but I also think that being guarded has prevented me from establishing a lot of relationships that could have turned out to be wonderful. Sometimes, I get mad at myself for not letting my guard down. Perhaps, if I let my guard down, I’d have more than…like, four friends.”

      -L. Postaski to Michelle Postaski; letter, dated 01/23/16

I am sure I am not the only one who can relate to what my sister (L. Postaski) expressed.

Trust is a tricky thing. I’d like to think that, for the most part, my instincts are accurate and my initial impression of a person dictates whether or not I should trust them.  Trust is something that determines the dynamics of any relationship. Trust is hard to gain and quick to lose. Without trust, only a superficial acquaintanceship can be formed.

Personally, I don’t have a football team of friends. In the past, I created expectations of my relationships. When a relationship did not meet my expectations, I felt let down. Overall, I think this has caused me to be more guarded than outgoing.

Like my sister, I have to wonder – what am I losing out on? Who have I blocked out of my life simply because I have allowed the fear of being hurt control me?

Being guarded consumes a lot of energy. Why should I allow the flaws of someone else prevent me from letting my guard down?

Do you have a hard time trusting? Let’s make an effort to stop fear from winning.

My sister is right- we never know what relationship could turn out to be wonderful.



2 thoughts on “Guarded

  1. I am JUST like your sister and I don’t know if being as guarded as I am has even kept me from getting hurt. Even acquaintances can hurt your feelings. And expectations always seem to lead to disappointments. I am really working on distinguishing between expectations and boundaries. This is such a great post:))


  2. Reblogged this on and commented:
    Every part of this post touches my life in some way–letting your guard down, learning to trust, letting people in, looking past flaws, relationships and expectations, and the undercurrent of all of this–FEAR. Give it a read and see how much of it relates to your life!


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